
Издатель: Native Instruments
Сайт: www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/orchestral-cinematic/symphony-series-string-ensemble/
Качество: 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo
Размер: 31.78 GB

Ансамбль струнно-смычковых , состоящий из 60 инструментов.

  • Players

    60 piece string section
    All divisi sections were recorded by themselves.

    Violin Sections (total of 30 different players)

    Violins I A (a divisi section of 8 violin players)
    Violins I B (a divisi section of 8 violin players)
    Violins II A (a divisi section of 7 violin players)
    Violins II B (a divisi section of 7 violin players)

    Viola Sections (total of 12 different players)

    Violas A (a divisi section of 6 players)
    Violas B (a divisi section of 6 players)

    Cello Sections (total of 10 different players)

    Cellos A (a divisi section of 5 players)
    Cellos B (a divisi section of 5 players)

    Bass Sections (total of 8 different players)

    Basses A (a divisi section of 4 players)
    Basses B (a divisi section of 4 players)

  • Articulations

    30 VIOLINS

    G3–E7 (almost 4 octaves – some articulations vary)

    Auto Divisi with polyphonic legato of all divisi sections:

    Violins I A (8 violin players)
    Violins I B (8 violin players)
    Violins II A (7 violin players)
    Violins II B (7 violin players)

    All divisi sections include:

    Polyphonic Legato & Portamento with Speed control of the portamento articulation
    Vibrato to non-virato sustains (p,mf,f, fff)
    Sordino (p,f)
    Tremolo (p,mf,ff)
    Trills — Key based diatonic as well as chromatic (p-f)
    Harmonics (fingered and natural)
    Spiccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose from
    Staccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — fff), 4 different Auto Patters to choose from
    Pizzicato 2 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose from
    Runs (Major and Minor ascending) 2 x Round Robin

    12 VIOLAS

    C3–E6 (Over 3 octaves – some articulations vary)

    Auto Divisi with polyphonic legato of all divisi sections:

    Violas A (6 viola players)
    Violas B (6 viola players)

    All divisi sections include:

    Polyphonic Legato & Portamento with Speed control of the portamento articulation
    Vibrato to non-virato sustains (p,mf,f, fff)
    Sordino (p,f)
    Tremolo (p,mf,ff)
    Trills — Key based diatonic as well as chromatic (p-f)
    Harmonics (fingered and natural)
    Spiccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Staccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — fff), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Pizzicato 2 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Runs (Major and Minor ascending) 2 x Round Robin

    10 CELLOS

    C2–G5 (Over 3 octaves – some articulations vary)

    Auto Divisi with polyphonic legato of all divisi sections:

    Cellos A (5 cello players)
    Cellos B (5 cello players)

    All divisi sections include:

    Polyphonic Legato & Portamento with Speed control of the portamento articulation
    Vibrato to non-virato sustains (p,mf,f, fff)
    Sordino (p,f)
    Tremolo (p,mf,ff)
    Harmonics (fingered and natural)
    Spiccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Staccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — fff), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Pizzicato 2 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Runs (Major and Minor ascending) 2 x Round Robin

    8 BASSES

    C1–C4 (3 octaves – some articulations may vary)

    Auto Divisi with polyphonic legato of all divisi sections:

    Basses A (4 basses)
    Basses B (4 basses)

    All divisi sections include:

    Polyphonic Legato & Portamento with Speed control of the portamento articulation
    Vibrato sustains (p,mf,fff)
    Sordino (p,f)
    Tremolo (p,mf,ff)
    Harmonics (natural)
    Spiccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Staccato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — fff), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Pizzicato 2 x Round Robin with continuous and random control (p — f), 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Bartok Pizzicato 2 x Round Robin with continuous and random control, 4 different Auto Patters to choose
    Marcato 4 x Round Robin with continuous and random control, 4 different Auto Patters to choose